Weigh-in Wednesday

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 | by Samantha | Labels: |

We missed last week's weigh in. There isn't really an excuse except that we had company visiting (Sam's bestest friend!) and just didn't get to it. Fear not though, because we are back with another week of Weigh-in Wednesday... let's see what the numbers are this week, shall we? :-)

Starting weight (1.4.2010): 179.6 pounds
Last week's weight (5.19.2010): 170.4 pounds
Current weight (6.2.2010): 170.8 pounds
That is a gain of 0.4 pounds for a total loss of 8.8 pounds!
What I did: As we said above I had a friend visiting from Boston last week. I made the decision to not eat all that well (she wanted to experience some great restaurants in MSP and I was willing to show her!) I was also busy and didn't get to exercise. This was something that I did knowing that it wasn't going to be good for my weight loss, but it was VERY good for my mental health. We got to spend a lot of time together and I didn't feel guilty about having a Margarita with my best friend or indulging on her amazing cooking.

Starting weight (1.4.2010): 216.6 pounds
Last week's weight (5.19.2010)198.4: pounds
Current weight (6.2.2010): 198.6 pounds
That is a gain of 0.2 pounds for a total loss of 18.0 pounds!
What I did: I have to say that I am actually excited to have such a minimal gain since the last Weigh-in Wednesday. I attribute my better than expected success to the fact that I had started running again after injuring my leg (I have since re-injured and am taking it a bit easy again in hopes that I can participate in the half marathon this weekend). I feel that I need to start using this blog for accountability as I have really been overeating (and alcohol-drinking :-).


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